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The most significant challenge a beginner must face when developing a website in WordPress is mainly the navigation of menus. Wordpress is a very heavily GUI focused development platform and will take a while to get used to, and while there are ways to write hmtl on it traditionally, it would still be better to use another platform since that is not it's primary focus. while organizing and modifying the layout is simple, theres limited predetermined areas which you're allowed to edit so your vison will almost never be 1:1 with the website. As for developing a site with oxygen and github, the main challenge is simply learning how to style since learning to css correctly takes a while.  Its a lot of information to know, but its also as customizable as the developer is willing to learn (which is also anther drawback).

One advantage that wordpress has over traditional web development is the amount of time it saves. there are hundreds of templates and themes to choose from, as well as a way to edit the site visually, which is great for people who have the creativity for design but lack the discipline for learning css. With git, it's main forte is the freedom of writing whatever you want. While it takes more time,  developing traditionally is better for professional portfolios as a sign that you care enough to write everything by hand (and also does not contain wordpress in it's url).

Some must have skills I want to learn to develop in wordpress is definitely knowing how to navigate menus, and looking in places I wouldnt expect to find your answer in. Besides that, its relatively user friendly and simple to use. As for gitsites and oxygen, I'd like to better understand how to style with css and use javascript for advanced features. Theres really only so much you can do with html by itself so if I learn to style and use other assets, theres nothing really stopping me.

reflection on wordpress here